Rebooking Wrestlemania 3

Welcome everybody to the third of my re-booking series, this time I’m re-booking Wrestlemania 3. This card had some really good matches and feuds and the card is a lot stronger than the previous 2 Wrestlemania’s. But I’ll get into the heart of the card and re-book the matches that I think could have been improved. It’s easy to do in hindsight. First let’s have a look at the actual card.

The Cam-Am Connection (Rick Martel & Tom Zenk) vs. Bob Orton and Don Muraco
Billy Jack Haynes vs. Hercules
Hillbilly Jim, Haiti Kid and Little Beaver vs. King Kong Bundy, Little Tokyo and Lord Littlebrook
Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog
The Dream Team (Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake) vs. The Rougeau Brothers (Jacques & Raymond)
Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Adrian Adonis
Danny Davis & The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart) vs. Tito Santana & The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith & The Dynamite Kid)
Butch Reed vs. Koko B. Ware
Ricky Steamboat vs. Macho Man Randy SavageIntercontinental Championship match
The Honky Tonk Man vs. Jake “The Snake” Roberts
The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff vs. The Killer Bees (B Brian Blair & Jumping Jim Brunzell)
Hulk Hogan (c) vs. Andre The GiantWWF World Heavyweight Championship match

Now let’s have a look at the babyfaces and heels on the roster, who we have to book.

Faces: Billy Jack Haynes, Blackjack Mulligan, Corporal Kirchner, George Steele, Haiti Kid, Hillbilly Jim, Hulk Hogan (c), Jake Roberts, Jim Duggan, Junkyard Dog, Koko B. Ware, Lanny Poffo, Little Beaver, Pedro Morales, Ricky Steamboat, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Tito Santana

Babyface Tag Teams: The British Bulldogs, The Can-Am Connection, The Killer Bees, The Islanders, The Rougeau Brothers, The Young Stallions

Heels: Adrian Adonis, Andre The Giant, Bob Orton, Butch Reed, Danny Davis, Dino Bravo, Don Muraco, Harley Race, Hercules, Jimmy Jack Funk, Kamala, King Kong Bundy, Little Tokyo, Lord Littlebrook, Randy Savage (c), Sika, Steve Lombardi, The Honky Tonk Man

Heel Tag Teams: Demolition, The Dream Team, The Hart Foundation (c), The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff

Injured: Billy Graham, Bruno Sammartino, Ivan Putski, Paul Orndorff

So that’s the roster. Now I’m not going to lie, my card is almost identical to that of Vince McMahon’s. I think the boss did a great job with booking this card. Of the 12 matches booked on the show, I have only changed three of them.

The Can-Am Connection (Rick Martel & Tom Zenk) & Tito Santana vs. Bob Orton and Don Muraco & Danny Davis

Original Wrestlemania matches: Originally The Can-Am Connection opened the show against Bob Orton and Don Muraco. Tito Santana and Danny Davis were involved in a 6 man tag team match with The Hart Foundation and British Bulldogs.

Booking: So for this match I have added Tito Santana and Danny Davis. I purposely removed them from the other six man tag team match and added them to the opener. I don’t see why Danny Davis couldn’t be a lacky for Orton and Muraco, helping them with victories on the lead up to this match. Tito Santana (who would end up being full time tag team partner to Rick Martel in four months time anyway) would help out Martel and Zenk, evening up the odds which plays into Santana blaming Davis for costing him the Intercontinental Championship previously.

Result: The Can-Am Connection and Tito Santana win by pinfall.

Billy Jack Haynes vs. Hercules

Original Wrestlemania matches: Billy Jack Haynes vs. Hercules

Booking: This match stays exactly the same.

Result: Double disqualification.

Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog

Original Wrestlemania matches: Harley Race vs. Junkyard Dog

Booking: I really liked the build to this, it was a good match for the two men at the time and remains the same.

Result: Harley Race wins.

Jim Duggan vs. King Kong Bundy

Original Wrestlemania matches: King Kong Bundy, Little Tokyo and Lord Littlebrook vs. Hillbilly Jim, Haiti Kid and Little Beaver.

Booking: I was keen to get Jim Duggan on the card. He was a top babyface at the time and deserved a singles match rather than the run-in he had during the Iron Sheik match. I also wasn’t a big fan of the “midget” match, this would have had much more significance.

Result: Jim Duggan wins.

The Dream Team (Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake) vs. The Rougeau Brothers (Jacques & Raymond)

Original Wrestlemania matches: The Dream Team (Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake) vs. The Rougeau Brothers (Jacques & Raymond)

Booking: This match saw the end of The Dream Team as we know it and setup Brutus Beefcake for a babyface turn where he would help out Rowdy Roddy Piper later in the night. I like the story so for me it stays as it is.

Result: The Dream Team win with help from Dino Bravo.

Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Adrian Adonis

Original Wrestlemania matches: Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. Adrian Adonis

Booking: Yep, this one stays the same too. Apologies for being boring. This would have been a rivalry requested by Piper who was good friends with Adrian Adonis. They put put on a really underrated rivalry that ended in Adonis getting head shaved.

Result: Rowdy Roddy Piper wins.

The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart) (c) vs. The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith & The Dynamite Kid) – Tag Team Championship match

Original Wrestlemania matches: The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart) & Danny Davis vs. The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith & The Dynamite Kid) & Tito Santana

Booking: I really think the tag team championships should be defended at Wrestlemania so I removed Danny Davis and Tito Santana from the original match and put the straps on the line. It’s a big rematch between two tag team who were ahead of their time and were putting on amazing matches around the country. It’s a rematch for the titles tonight but the result remains the same.

Result: The Hart Foundation retain their titles with help from Jimmy Hart (and his megaphone).

Butch Reed vs. Koko B. Ware

Original Wrestlemania matches: Butch Reed vs. Koko B. Ware

Booking: This is the shortest match of the night that I decided to stick with. It wasn’t a great one the first time around but I’ve decided to keep it anyway.

Result: Butch Reed wins.

Ricky Steamboat vs. Macho Man Randy SavageIntercontinental Championship match

Original Wrestlemania matches: Ricky Steamboat vs. Macho Man Randy Savage – Intercontinental Championship match

Booking: Of course I kept this one. It goes down as one of the greatest matches of all time and there’s no way I was changing it. Steamboat and Savage had so much chemistry and stole the show with this match. There was a lot of Japanese influence in Steamboat’s style and with the meticulous planning from Randy Savage they put on an all time classic.

Result: Ricky Steamboat wins the Intercontinental Championship.

The Honky Tonk Man vs. Jake “The Snake” Roberts

Original Wrestlemania matches: The Honky Tonk Man vs. Jake “The Snake” Roberts

Booking: I like this match on paper and I didn’t mind it in practice either. It’s a forgotten Wrestlemania match between two of the most over personas of the time.

Result: Honky Tonk Man wins with a roll-up.

The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff vs. The Killer Bees (B Brian Blair & Jumping Jim Brunzell)

Original Wrestlemania matches: The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff vs. The Killer Bees (B Brian Blair & Jumping Jim Brunzell)

Booking: Yeah, this one stays the same too. It wasn’t a terrible match at the time and it gets a couple of decent tag teams on the show. Jim Duggan would cosy The Killer Bees the match by attacking Nikolai Volkoff and The Iron Sheik and I don’t mind that being the result of the match in this parrallel universe.

Result: The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff win by disqualification.

Hulk Hogan (c) vs. Andre The GiantWWF World Heavyweight Championship match

Original Wrestlemania matches: Hulk Hogan (c) vs. Andre The Giant – WWF World Heavyweight Championship match

Booking: This match may not have been a “five star classic” but it was a pivotal match in wrestling history. In some ways it is the match you think of when you think of Wrestlemania and certainly the match that defined the era. Hulk Hogan retained against a legend in the industry who was slowing down. Paul Orndorff was apparently on standby in case Andre didn’t play ball. But he did of course and we got a true gem of a main event.

Result: Hulk Hogan retains the WWE Championship.

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