Starrcade ’88

|Date: December 26, 1988
|Venue: Norfolk Scope |City: Norfolk, Virginia
|Attendance: 10,000

|tweet me: @BastionBlogger

The show kicks off with a video package hyping up the matches between Ric Flair & Lex Luger, Barry Windham & Bam Bam Bigelow and The Road Warriors vs. Dusty Rhodes & Sting.

Tony Schiavone welcomes us to the showm he’s the host along with Magnum TA. They throw to Jim Ross and Bob Caudle at ringside.

The Fantastics (Bobby Fulton & Tommy Rogers) (c) vs. Kevin Sullivan & Dr Death Steve WilliamsUnited States Tag Team Championship match

Background: This was a match with very little background. The Fantastic won a tournament to win the vacated titles, beating Ron Simmons and Eddie Gilbert in the final. Sullivan and Williams were announced as number one contenders.

Previous PPV matches: This is a first time tag team match between these two teams.

Starrcade PPV Record: Kevin Sullivan and Dr Death are 1-0 at Starrcade, The Fantastics wrestle at this event for the first time tonight.

Match: Bobby Fulton and Kevin Sullivan kick off the match and it all goes the way of The Fantastics in the early going. Dr Death tags in and doesn’t have any success either. There’s plenty of quick tags from the champions and fast offence. Steve Williams soon takes control, using his power. The Fantastics seem to fair better against Kevin Sullivan but when Dr Death tags in he takes control for his team. He hits a brainbuster on Tommy Rogers for a near fall. There’s plenty of double teaming from the challengers. Sullivan and Williams make quick tags, keeping Tommy Rogers from tagging in his partner. Bobby Fulton finally gets the hot tag and picks up the pace. Well he does for a while and then slows down. Fulton looks for a Lou Thesz press but Williams counters, dropping him on the top rope. Dr Death hooks the leg and gets the 3!

Result: Dr Death and Kevin Sullivan win the US Tag Team Championshups by pinfall.

Review: I don’t think the two teams had a lot of chemistry but the match wasn’t terrible. I’m a little surprised the titles changed hands being that The Fantastics not long won the titles themselves. It’s a new direction and I don’t mind it. If the Road Warriors retain I wouldn’t mind seeing them against The Fantastics. I’m not really sure these titles are needed but it gives the up and coming teams something to aspire to. An ok match to kick things off.

Rating: 4/10

Tony Schiavone and Magnum TA run down the rest of the card.

The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane) vs. The Original Midnight Express (Dennis Condrey & Randy Rose)

Background: The Original Midnight Express of Dennis Condrey and Randy Rose returned to WCW managed by Paul Heyman and attacked Bobby Eaton, Stan Lane and Jim Cornette. This was the beginning of the rivalry between the two teams that claim the same name and a match between them was soon announced for Starrcade.

Previous PPV matches: This is a first time match between these two teams.

Starrcade PPV Record: Bobby Eaton is 0-3, Stan Lane is 0-1, Dennis Condrey is 0-2 and Randy Rose makes his Starrcade debut tonight.

Match: The Midnight Express clear the ring. ofthe originals before the bell. Jim Cornette is keen to get some of Paul E. Dangeously too. The match officially kicks off with Dennis Condrey and the man that replaced him in the Midnight Express, Stan Lane. Jim Cornette also gets inviolved with his tennis racket. It’s all Bobby and Stan in the early going with Jim Cornette helping his team from the outside. former partners Eaton and Condrey go at it with Eaton hitting a big elbow drop from the top. Eaton and Lane make quick tags, hitting double team moves and keeping Randy away from Dennis. Eaton misses with a move in the corner which allows Condry and Rose to take control. Randy hits a big clothesline to the outside on Beautiful Bobby. The Originals dominate from here until they attempt a rocket launcher and Eaton avoids the splash from Randy Rose. Stan Lane then gets the hot tag and picks up the pace, he hits an enzeguri on Rose but with referee Teddy Long distracted Paul E. Dangerously gets in the ring and hits Stan Lane with his phone! Cornette fights Dangerously off and the referee gets back in the ring and sees the phone. Eaton and Lane hit a double team clothesline/chopblock and then pin Rose for the win! After the match the Original Midnight Express lay into Lane, Eaton and Cornette.

Result: Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane win by pinfall.

Review: This was a good match, I preferred it to the previous tag team match. I think the right team won and we got the right amount of manager interference. It looks like this feud is set to continue though and will probably get a good run on the house shows. I would like to see a lot more between Jim Cornette and Paul E. Dangerously.

Rating: 5.75/10

Magnum TA is backstage with Kevin Sullivan, Dr Death and Mike Rotunda who all have titles. They’re happy with their title victory tonight and looking to retain against Rick Steiner later.

Ivan Koloff & The Junkyard Dog vs. Russian Assassins 1 & 2If The Russian Assassins lose by pinfall then they must unmask and Paul Jones must retire

Background: The Russian Assassins attacked Ivan Koloff, ending Koloff’s relationship with Paul Jones. Nikita Koloff would be the man to save his uncle but since Nikita has stepped away it has been The Junkyard Dog who agreed to team with Ivan.

Previous PPV matches: This is a a first time match between these two teams.

Starrcade PPV Record: Ivan Koloff is 2-1, the other three men make their Starrcade debut tonight.

Match: Junkyard Dog kicks off the match against Russian Assassin #1. Paul Jones is present in the corner for the Assassins. JYD clothesline a Russian Assassin over the top rope but it’s not a disqualification. It’s different rules to New York here JYD. Both men make tags and Ivan Koloff lays into Russian Assassin #2. Ivan hits a clothesline off the middle rope for a two count. The third consecutive tag team match here tonight and they’ve all started with the babyface advantage. The Russians take control against JYD until the popular superstar avoids a “Russian missile”. Ivan Koloff gets the hot tag and nails Paul Jones off the apron. Ivan Koloff hits a Russian Sickle on an Assassin but the other Assassin loads his mask up with something and headbutts Koloff. Assassin #2 covers Koloff and gets the 3!

Result: The Russian Assassins win by pinfall.

Review: This match wasn’t very good. I’m not feeling the Assassins and Ivan Koloff’s best years are behind him too. It’s a shame that Junkyard Dog lost his first PPV match but I think he’ll go from strength to strength. Not a great match here tonight. It’s a shame Nikita Koloff wasn’t around for it too.

Rating: 3/10

Mike Rotunda (c) vs. Rick Steiner – World Television Championship match with Kevin Sullivan suspended in a cage

Background: These two men were tag team partners who never really got on but as members of the Varsity Club they teamed up together on a regular basis. The leader of the Varsity Club Kevin Sullivan would always favour Rotunda and eventually Rick Steiner was removed from the group. Tonight Rick Steiner gets a shot at the Television Championship which Mike Rotunda has held for nearly a year

Previous PPV matches: This is a first time PPV match between these two men.

Starrcade PPV Record: This is Mike Rotunda’s first Starrcade whilst Rick Steiner drew his match at last years event.

Match: It’s a hard-hitting start to the match with both men keen to get into it. Rick Steiner takes control from there with throws and a side headlock. Steiner out-wrestled Rotunda for a long time which frustrates the TV Champion. Rotunda hits a lovely side suplex but can’t take control from it. This is a very stop-start match with Rotunda sometimes exiting the ring to take a breather. Rotunda sends Steiner out of the ring hard and takes control from there. We’re told there’s five minutes left on the time limit and the pace picks up. Rick Steiner takes control and the crowd are right behind him. Dr Death Steve Williams emerges from the back and watches on as Steiner gets a near fall off a powerslam. Rick hits a powerslam and the bell rings. Steiner thinks he’s won but it was actually Dr Death ringing the bell. The bell rings again and referee Teddy Long seems to think it was a time limit win for Rotunda. Another referee comes out and tells Long that it was Dr Death that rang the bell. Kevin Sullivan is lowered down and out of the cage. The match continues, Steiner throws Rotunda into Sullivan and then pins the TV Champion for the win!

Result: Rick Steiner wins the Television Championship by pinfall.

Review: This match was slow going until the final five minutes. It almost seemed like an ameteur wrestling match in parts. Rick Steiner is over as a babyface though and gets the big win at the end. There was lots of confusion but it made for an exciting finish. I like Rick Steiner as champion but I don’t like his “stupid” gimmick.

Rating: 3.75/10

Barry Windham (c) vs. Bam Bam Bigelow – United States Championship match

Background: Bam Bam Bigelow is a newcomer to WCW and makes his PPV debut tonight. He had sets his sights on Barry Windham, from the start and the match was made between the two men.

Previous PPV matches: This is a first time PPV match between these two men.

Starrcade PPV Record: Barry Windham is 0-1 at Starrcade, Bigelow wrestles at this event for the first time tonight.

Match: This match has a big fight feel to it. Bam Bam has Sir Oliver Humperdink in his corner whilst Barry Windham is joined by JJ Dillon. Bigelow launches Windham across the ring in the early going. Bam Bam hits a gutbuster which sends Barry sprawling to the outside. Bigelow hits a huge military press on Windham. Windham just can’t get into the match, he keeps getting knocked out of the ring and when he gets back in Bigelow takes him right back down. Bigelow gets plenty of near falls and applies a chinlock. Windham finally takes control as he throws his challenger out of the ring and Bigelow lands awkwardly. Bam Bam hits a splash over the top and looks to have the match finished but breaks the pinfall himself. Bigelow then hits another military splash and heads to the top but misses a splash. Windham takes control, hitting a big lariat and side suplex. Windham motions for a claw and locks it on but Bam Bam gets to the ropes to break it. Windham powerslam Bam Bam but then misses with an elbow drop off the top. Jim Ross adds so much to commentary. Both men go tumbling to the outside and Windham shoves Bam Bam into the ringpost. The referee then counts out Bam Bam Bigelow!

Result: Barry Windham wins the match by count-out.

Review: This was a decent enough match. I’m not a big fan of the finish, not a big stage like this but it was a way of having Barry Windham retain without Bam Bam taking a big loss. There were some decent spots in this match and some impressive displays of power from both men. Barry Windham retains tonight and I don’t mind that result.

Rating: 6.25/10

Magnum TA is backstage with Rick Steiner, there’s audio issues with this and the camera is moving all over the place. Rick is happy to have won though and laughs at Kevin Sullivan’s plan backfiring.

The Road Warriors (Animal & Hawk) (c) vs. Dusty Rhodes & Sting – World Tag Team Championship match

Background: This rivalry began when Sting filled in as a partner for The Road Warriors, replacing Dusty Rhodes. Animal and Hawk would attack Sting unprovoked, taking him out of action. Dusty Rhodes would avenge Sting and the match for Starrcade was announced soon after.

Previous PPV matches: This is a first time PPV match between these two teams.

Starrcade PPV Record: The Road Warriors are 1-1, Dusty Rhodes is 2-2 and Sting drew his previous Starrcade match.

Match: The Road Warriors attack Dusty Rhodes and Sting before the bell but Sting and Rhodes clear the ring of the champions. Sting and Animal kick off the match for their teams but it’s not long before they tag out. Sting and Dusty take control in the early going. Hawk takes control for the Road Warriors and really lays the boots in to Sting. Animal hits a big military press slam on Sting. Sting no-sells a hotshot and hits some big clotheslines and a huge high cross body off the top to the outside. Dusty Rhodes and Hawk tag in and fight to the outside and back in. There’s plenty of tags in this match, especially from Hawk and Animal as they keep Dusty Rhodes away from Sting. Eventually the hot tag is made and Sting picks up the pace. Sting hits a big splash on Animal in the corner and then locks on the scorpion but Hawk breaks it up. Hawk throws Sting over the top rope and The Road Warriors double team Dusty. Sting hits a big splash on Animal but as the challengers look as if they’re going to win, Paul Ellering stops the referee’s count! It’s a disqualification victory for Sting and Dusty Rhodes tonight but The Road Warriors retain their titles.

Result: Sting and Dusty Rhodes win the match by disqualification.

Review: This was a really fun match. Sting is really over as a babyface and should be protected going forward. I think Dusty knows this which is why he’s started teaming with the Stinger. The Road Warriors retain the titles which was the right result, I hope they have a long reign as champions. Dusty and Sting come out looking strong, The Road Warriors don’t look bad, it’s the ideal result. Just a shame that it followed the US Championship match which had a similar finish.

Rating: 7/10

Ric Flair (c) vs. Lex Luger – World Heavyweight Championship match

Background: The main feud heading into Starrcade was between Ric Flair and Lex Luger over the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. In March 1987, Luger joined the Four Horsemen stable, which was headed by Flair. Luger remained a member until early 1988, when Luger felt he was held back by the Four Horsemen. Luger left the Four Horsemen, and became friends with Barry Windham in March. Windham soon turned on Luger, however, and joined the Four Horsemen. Since then, Luger feuded with Flair, and they faced each other in several title matches, including at The Great American Bash, where the match was stopped due to Luger’s excessive bleeding. Flair remained the champion, and a rematch was made at Starrcade.

Previous PPV matches: Ric Flair previously beat Lex Luger due to referee stoppage at The Great American Bash in July.

Starrcade PPV Record: Ric Flair is 3-1-1, Lex Luger is 0-1.

Match: Lex Luger takes the advantage from the opening bell, using his power and strength to take Ric Flair down with shoulder charges and clotheslines. Luger hits a big military press on Flair for a two count. The pace slows down from here as Luger dominates with wristlocks. Flair struggles to get into the match until he does so with a thumb to the eye. Luger no-sells Flairs offence and takes the fight to the outside. Ric manages to take control for a long time. Luger can’t sell like Flair can but he sure does sweat. Flair hits a double footed stomp which seems out of his usual moveset. Luger manages to apply a sleeper but Flair gets out of it with a side suplex. Ric looks for a figure four but Luger counters with a cradle for a two count. Lex hits a superplex for a two count and then applies a figure four but Ric gets out of it. Luger hits a cross body for a near fall. It’s all Luger from here but he struggles to keep Flair down for a three count. Flair whacks Luger’s knees with a chair as JJ Dillon distracts the referee. Flair works the knees from here and locks on the figure four but Luger reverses the hold before Ric breaks it. Lex hits some big moves but sells his knee. Luger locks on the torture rack but his leg buckles. Flair covers Luger with his feet on the ropes but gets the three count!

Result: Ric Flair wins by pinfall.

Review: This was a good match that showed Lex Luger can hang in the main event with the best in the business. It was given a lot of time and was back and forth throughout. In the end though it was Ric Flair that retained the World Heavyweight Championship who wins in shady circumstances. This rivalry will presumably continue into the upcoming February PPV.

Rating: 7/10

There’s a Ric Flair promo after the match, he talks some trash to Lex Luger and tells him that he will never wrestle Ric Flair for the World Heavyweight Championship again. It’s a very good promo. Prime Ric Flair.

And that was Starrcade 88. In a lot of ways it was an event of two halves with all the big matches taking place in the second half of the show. The quality definitely improved in the latter part of the show too. The show kicked off with a title change where Dr Death and Kevin Sullivan beat The Fantastics to win the US Tag Team Championships. They’re a bit of a secondary title but they give Sullivan and Williams something to gloat about. I’m not sure where it leaves The Fantastics who were a good fit for those titles. I wouldn’t put them in the same league as The Road Warriors. The Midnight Express then beat The New Midnight Express cleanly enough but Rose and Condrey did get their heat back after the bell which suggests this rivalry will continue. The Russian Assassins beat Ivan Koloff and Junkyard Dog which is a result I understand because of the stipulations but it’s a shame for Junkyard Dog who comes in as a big name and suffers a loss in his first PPV match. It was Ivan Koloff who took the fall but I would assume that it’s onwards and upwards for JYD from here.

Then came the big matches. Rick Steiner beat Mike Rotunda in a stop/start match which resulted in Steiner winning the TV title. Steiner is lumbered with a terrible gimmick at the moment that they need to get him away from. This wasn’t a great match which was a shame considering the potential that it had. Barry Windham beat Bam Bam Bigelow by countout to retain the United States Championship. They obviously wanted to keep the title on Windham whilst not hurting Bigelow too much. Sadly this was the case in all three main events. This was a decent match though and Windham looks strong coming out of it whilst not affecting Bam Bam’s momentum either. Dusty Rhodes and Sting beat The Road Warriors by disqualification which gives a big win to Rhodes and Sting but keeps the titles on Animal and Hawk. I guess this makes sense, it’s way too early for The Road Warriors to drop but I wouldn’t have minded seeing them win. I think Sting is in for a good push, he’s really over as a babyface right now. In the main event Ric Flair beat Lex Luger in shady fashion to retain the World Heavyweight Championship. Flair had his feet on the ropes so this feud will probably continue too. It wasn’t a classic but a decent main event.

Overall Rating: 52.5/100 (ranked 6th out of 11 NWA/WCW PPV’s reviewed)

Match Of The Night: Dusty Rhodes & Sting vs. The Road Warriors / Ric Flair vs. Lex Luger
Worst Match Of The Night: Ivan Koloff & Junkyard Dog vs. The Russian Assassins
Surprise Of The Night: The Russian Assassins beat Ivan Koloff & JYD
Worst Booking Of The Night: Too many inconclusive finishes
Superstar Of The Night: Ric Flair
Starrcade 88 Will Be Remembered For: Ric Flair retaining the World Heavyweight Championship against Lex Luger

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