Rebooking Wrestlemania 4

Welcome everybody to the fourth of my rebooking series, this time I’m rebooking Wrestlemania 4. This show is different to any Wrestlemania in history in that it is headlined by a 14 man tournament to crown a new WWF Champion. I’m going to dig deep into this one as I feel there were some dream matches that we didn’t get to see. Let’s see how … Continue reading Rebooking Wrestlemania 4

Rebooking Wrestlemania 2

This is my second blog in this series of re-booking Wrestlemania. This second Wrestlemania had 12 matches over 3 cities and I had a lot of fun re-booking this one. I honestly believe my card would have been better but who am I to argue with Vince McMahon? So first off, here is the card that aired: Nassau ColiseumPaul Orndorff vs. The Magnificent MuracoRandy Savage … Continue reading Rebooking Wrestlemania 2